Our Academic Approach
Care, support, and high expectations lie at the nucleus of the LFC’s instructional program. In partnership with our Eagle Families, we aim to instill in all students an appreciation for high-quality education, support them in building self-confidence, and position them to boldly chase their dreams and goals. More importantly, with a fundamental understanding of the importance of hard work and determination, LFC strives to awaken and nurture the genius in each of our Eagles students.
Our Academic Approach
Care, support, and high expectations lie at the nucleus of the LFC’s instructional program. In partnership with our Eagle Families, we aim to instill in all students an appreciation for high-quality education, support them in building self-confidence, and position them to boldly chase their dreams and goals. More importantly, with a fundamental understanding of the importance of hard work and determination, LFC strives to awaken and nurture the genius in each of our Eagles students.

Homework at the Eagle's Nest
Studies have shown that parent engagement in schools can promote positive education and health behaviors among children and adolescents. Research shows a strong relationship between parent engagement and educational outcomes, including school attendance and higher grades, and classroom test scores. - American Psychological Association
Lake Forest Charter contends that homework reinforces the lessons taught during school hours and that continued learning engagement at home allows parents/guardians to monitor their child’s progression and student achievement.
"Here at the Eagle's nest, homework is mandatory, not optional."​
Holiday Instructional Lessons
We believe learning is continuous. During school break periods holiday assignments are required to be completed upon return to school.
Holiday packets are tailored individually and activities target areas the students need the most. Our Instructional Team prepares Louisiana Student Standards-based online activities that contain assignments that are directly aligned with the curriculum. This is one way Lake Forest has consistently achieved and maintained high academic results.
Summer Brain Power
Summer activities in mathematics and English Language Arts are geared to combat learning loss and keep our students' mental abilities productive and sharp. LFC’s Summer Brain Power Program offers enrichment and is a preventive measure. Statistically, students' achievement levels decline over summer vacation. This decline often referred to as the summer slide, is higher in mathematics than reading. All LFC students are required to read the selected novel (gifted students 2x) and complete the assigned math activities upon return to school.

Eagle Extended Day Learning Program and Saturday Camp, deliver the support students need to succeed in everyday learning.
Extended Day Learning
Students receive immediate assistance in small group sessions. The teacher may highlight the prerequisite skills needed for individual student growth in a particular area. This program operates two days a week from 3:30 - 5:15 pm for selected students. If selected, attendance is mandatory.
Saturday Camp
Begins after the winter holiday. This program offers additional learning experiences on different content and grade-specific standards. If selected for this program, you will be required to attend morning sessions on Saturday (2 ½ hours).
Homework at the Eagle's Nest
Studies have shown that parent engagement in schools can promote positive education and health behaviors among children and adolescents. Research shows a strong relationship between parent engagement and educational outcomes, including school attendance and higher grades, and classroom test scores. - American Psychological Association
Lake Forest Charter contends that homework reinforces the lessons taught during school hours and that continued learning engagement at home allows parents/guardians to monitor their child’s progression and student achievement.
"Here at the Eagle's nest, homework is mandatory, not optional."​

Summer Brain Power
Summer activities in mathematics and English Language Arts are geared to combat learning loss and keep our students' mental abilities productive and sharp. LFC’s Summer Brain Power Program offers enrichment and is a preventive measure. Statistically, students' achievement levels decline over summer vacation. This decline often referred to as the summer slide, is higher in mathematics than reading. All LFC students are required to read the selected novel (gifted students 2x) and complete the assigned math activities upon return to school.
Eagle Extended Day Learning Program and Saturday Camp, deliver the support students need to succeed in everyday learning.
Extended Day Learning
Students receive immediate assistance in small group sessions. The teacher may highlight the prerequisite skills needed for individual student growth in a particular area. This program operates two days a week from 3:30 - 5:15 pm for selected students. If selected, attendance is mandatory.
Saturday Camp
Begins after the winter holiday. This program offers additional learning experiences on different content and grade-specific standards. If selected for this program, you will be required to attend morning sessions on Saturday (2 ½ hours).
Holiday Instructional Lessons
We believe learning is continuous. During school break periods holiday assignments are required to be completed upon return to school.
Holiday packets are tailored individually and activities target areas the students need the most. Our Instructional Team prepares Louisiana Student Standards-based online activities that contain assignments that are directly aligned with the curriculum. This is one way Lake Forest has consistently achieved and maintained high academic results.
LFC students participate and have placed first in Tulane University’s Greater New Orleans Science and Engineering Fair and the LSU State Science and Engineering Fair.
Our students have also had the opportunity to participate in Louisiana State University's Coastal Roots Program. Students from the 4th grade are taking part in a project to learn about and become environmental stewards of their natural resources by establishing native plant nurseries at our school. The students will grow native plant seedlings and grass plugs that they will plant in a coastal habitat restoration project in South Louisiana.

2022 LSU State Science and Engineering Fair Regional Winner

2022 LSU State Science and Engineering Fair Regional Winner

Core Curriculum
Our core curriculum, ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies, based on Louisiana State Standards is designed to challenge students and foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. We believe that a strong foundation in reading, writing, and math is essential for success in all areas of life. Our teachers use research based strategies, individualized instruction, and varied learning styles to provide top-quality instruction everyday.
High school credit in English 1 and Algebra 1 is available to qualifying 8th-grade students. Participation in the LFC Social Studies Fair is required for 5th through 8th grades. Participation in the LFC Science Fair is required for 7th and 8th grades.
LFC students participate and have placed first in Tulane University’s Greater New Orleans Science and Engineering Fair and the LSU State Science and Engineering Fair.
Our students have also had the opportunity to participate in Louisiana State University's Coastal Roots Program. Students from the 4th grade are taking part in a project to learn about and become environmental stewards of their natural resources by establishing native plant nurseries at our school. The students will grow native plant seedlings and grass plugs that they will plant in a coastal habitat restoration project in South Louisiana.
Core Curriculum
Our core curriculum is designed to challenge students and foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. We believe that a strong foundation in reading, writing, and math is essential for success in all areas of life. Our teachers are dedicated to providing personalized support and guidance to help each student reach their full potential.

College Readiness
Lake Forest Charter is a college readiness focused school which believes that’s it’s never too early to prepare for college. Various attributes of a college-going culture are etched into the fabric of LFC’s instructional practices and structure. Our vision is that 100% of our students attend a four-year college and at least 85% go on to attain advanced degrees.
Our successful college readiness curriculum includes participation in the Duke University Talent Identification Program where academically talented 7th graders get their first exposure to the ACT or SAT. In fact, many of our LFC students have received the TIP Louisiana State Recognition (ACT scores 20 to 36) for high scores in Math, Science, English and or Reading.
Through our annual mandatory College Day Project, students learn to identify accredited educational institutions that align with their interest, and the minimum g.p.a. and ACT/ SAT score required for entrance. Students also gain an understanding of how to apply scholarship, grants, TOPS Scholar, and other aid through their research.
College Readiness
Lake Forest Charter is a college readiness focused school which believes that’s it’s never too early to prepare for college. Various attributes of a college-going culture are etched into the fabric of LFC’s instructional practices and structure. Our vision is that 100% of our students attend a four-year college and at least 85% go on to attain advanced degrees.
Our successful college readiness curriculum includes participation in the Duke University Talent Identification Program where academically talented 7th graders get their first exposure to the ACT or SAT. In fact, many of our LFC students have received the TIP Louisiana State Recognition (ACT scores 20 to 36) for high scores in Math, Science, English and or Reading.
All LFC Students are required to submit an annual College Day Project which counts as their 4th quarter exam. The information gathered help students to explore the best requisite high school setting to pursue. Students learn to identify accredited educational institutions nationally and globally that align with their interest, the minimum g.p.a. and ACT/ SAT score required. Students also gain an understanding of how to apply scholarship, grants, TOPS Scholar, and other aid.